First Joe Biden Event

February 4th-

In the afternoon we were picked up by JSM and driven to our first event where we were in charge of placing signs outside the event, decorating the space and signing people in the event. When we started placing signs outside I found out that the ground becomes frozen and it is extremely hard to place signs in the ground! Being so used to living in Florida, I completely forgot about the effects of cold weather. We ended up placing the signs on the snow and areas of the ground that were not as frozen. The advance team for Biden walked us through how the event will work and even discussed the plans they have in place in case there are protestors. This was an aspect I was unfamiliar with but it was so interesting to learn all that goes into events. We have a media entrance, an accessibility entrance and then the common entrance. Media must always sign into the events and go to the designated area. What I enjoyed most was the trust that the advance team had in us volunteers to include us in the whole process of the event from start to finish. I felt as if I was part of the team rather than a volunteer. I personally had the most amazing time talking to people in line while signing them in because I got to talk to them about Biden, why I personally am here and have them share their ideas and why they support Biden! This was also a great opportunity to figure out if someone might cause trouble to let out advance team security know. For me this was extremely important to make sure the effectiveness of the event with limited to no interruptions. Little did I know the connections I made that day in line I would see some of these people again in future Biden events and remember me. It was a humbling experience.

This was the first event we got to hear Vice President Biden speak and it was an intense experience to see him up close and really be engaged while he speaks! Hearing him talk to voters just enhanced my reasons to vote for him and share my opinions with others. He truly cares about individuals and even after every single event will talk and take pictures with ever single person at the event no matter how long it takes and that says a-lot about the kind of person and candidate he is. The second he finished his speech, the advance team moved the ropes in a circle to the people can form a circle around Biden to get the chance to speak to him. As soon as I noticed that occurring I pulled Manuel and Ireland close to me while I kindly shoved my way to the front of the line as close to Biden as possible! This was our chance to see him, shake hands and thank him for all that he does and is doing and I was not letting anything get in my way. Vice President Biden finally came up to me as the tears were running down my face and he shook my hand and asked me where I am from which I explained I am all the way from Florida here with my class interning for you because I believe in your cause. Also this is my upcoming birthday present and he then wished me a happy birthday and thanked me, ME for volunteering for him! I felt the most happy I have been in a while, I felt safe talking to him and affirmed everything I ever thought about Joe Biden. Being able to take photos and talking to Biden the 2nd day in our internship gave us all the motivation we needed to keep doing what we do! 
"Thank YOU for laughing with me"

See how happy I was after talking to him?!


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