Last day!
February 11th- Will never forget. Today is our last day on the campaign trail in NH. It is bittersweet. We woke up extremely early 5am, to head to our internship to get our last walk packet. We all went together this time to cherish the last canvasing day we would have together. We spoke with a lot of people this time and surprisingly there were many that did not know who they were to vote for. The responses we received were either they were voting for Biden or they are going to decide the second they see their ballot and vote. For me that was hard to hear as I was not sure what the thought process was when they see that ballot, what difference it will make at that time rather than a few days before. Either way we tried our hardest getting people to vote for Biden because now was the time. One person put a huge plant in front of their door so people would not bother them. We then got picked up and drove all together with our campaign to the hotel where we had the elect...